We received this info this morning:
Cholla Bay Marina STOPPED! April 7th, 2008 The Federal Environmental Authorities (SEMARNAT) in Sonora determined that the construction of the Sandy Beach Marina on top of Estero La Cholla was not viable due to the potential environmental damage it could cause. This controversial project threatened the integrity of the Upper Gulf Biosphere Reserve and the productivity of this wetland. Estero La Cholla, along with the other wetlands in this region, is of great importance for the health of the Sea of Cortés, as it is a nursery for several marine species such as shrimp, flounder and blue crab. Also, its nutrient contribution to the Gulf of California represents the base of the food web, making this place one of the five most diverse ecosystems in the world...(for the whole enchilada, email us, and we'll fwd it to you: mynparty@yahoo.com.mx)
We're glad - we live in a world of dwindling resources as it is - we don't need to plow through anything else that we don't absolutely have to! Maybe they will increase the size of the marina we already have!