George Bush made a very Democratic Party move on Saturday.
The President asked the Congress to give $700 BILLION to the Wall Street banks that are basically in deep shit.
Bushy called it a 'big solution to a big problem'.
This 'big solution' would be the BIGGEST federal biz bailout since the Great Depression.
Funny — Bush in a way admitted that the 'Republican' way of letting the market 'sort itself' out can't fix a big problem!
If Bush's request is passed by Congress, the $700 BILLION that would go to the banks is your money, taxpayers.
Basically, if Wall Street isn't bailed out big time, our economy would be screwed and even more people would be out of work.
Guess we'll just have to wait and see how Congress responds to Bushy's request.
We sense they'll say yes, but the Dems will surely inject lots of 'we told you so's' all along the way.
Perez was a big inspriation for this blog! check him out at