Saturday, October 18, 2008


Beginning November 3rd, yours truely will be teaching hip hop dance classes! Tenative schedule is as follows:

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
7am class - Hip hop aerobics
8am class - Hip hop aerobics

5pm class - Hip hop choreography (for ages up to 12)
6pm class - Hip hop choreography (for ages 12 and up)

6pm class - Hip hop aerobics/choreography mix

The choreography classes will be co-ed (I think) and will have an exhibition show at the end of every month. Classes will be cumulative, so it's reccommended that you sign up at the beginning of each month and follow through till the end!

Empezando el primero de Noviembre, yo voy a ensenar un clase de baile hip hop! Aqui esta los horarios (tentativos)

Lunes, Martes, Miercoles
7am clase - Hip hop aerobics
8am clase - Hip hop aerobics

5pm clase - Hip hop choreografia (para ninos hasta 12 anos)
6pm clase - Hip hop choreografia (para todos 12 anos y arriba)


6pm class - Hip hop aerobics/choreograia mixto

Los clases de choregrafia serian para hombres y mujeres (creo) y al final de los clases, vamos a hacer un show en un antro! Los classes son acumulativo, asi que es mejor para inscribete el primero de cada mes!