Sunday, March 9, 2008


We heard snippets of a nightmare of a story that happened to one of her friends! Evidently, a Mexican citizen cannot rent an American car and drive it into Mexico. It's like, a felony offense! The poor lady was coming down with her kids, and ALL of them were detained by customs all day on Friday.

We're totally confused because:
a) What does Aduana (Mexican Customs) care about who drives what car where? (unless it's a car that's been reported stolen, of course)
b) The car rental place that rented the car to her knew she was coming to Mexico with it, so she obviously had permission, right? So they knew she was brining it here...

Ok, so we've vented, pondered, questioned, and we can't come up with a logical reason. We will report more on our findings in the week to come...I think this is worth investigating!