We just found this by pure boredom...we ARE NOT saying it's true...it just made us think...
Newsgroups: alt.religion.kibology
Subject: Animal 57 in Space
From: (Dean Lenort)
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 1998 08:51:38 GMT
Message-ID: I just learned that Pepsico has paid NASA millions of dollars to fly anAnimal 57 on this space shuttle mission to learn whether the Animal 57 canthrive in space.In addition to the crickets, rats, and fish that the crew talks aboutdaily, there is also a top secret Animal 57 that is being closely monitoredfor overall health and growth. Apparently, Pepsico wants to get in on theground floor when the time comes for moving fast food to the next level.Whether it's a Taco Bell on Mars or a Burger King in low Earth orbit,Pepsico wants to capitalize on this relatively untapped market. With therecent opening of a KFC (right next to the Starbucks) in Antarctica thereare few markets left for the expansion juggernaut and space is simply rifewith opportunity.However, the rumors that there will be a fast food court on theInternational Space Station are without merit.--Dean
- Lupus Yonderboy