Sunday, June 8, 2008


Chris McGinty sent us this just now about someone close to her:

"We have a lady (Stella) at church about my age we've all been praying for. They recently found a tumor on her pancreas. She had a CT scan done a couple weeks ago and they determined they had to go in after it pretty much thinking it was cancer. They told her it could be a long haul as they were going to have to probably take a part of the pancreas out and didn't know where the tumor was growing. They didn't know if it was growing on the back side or growing inward from the CT scan. She had surgery Friday. The tumor was on the outside only but very hard so presuming cancer it was immediately sent to the lab where they determined it was benign!!! They didn't have to take any of the pancreas and she was sent home the following day and doing very well!
Now that is the power of prayer!"

That's uplifting! Everyone, have a great Sunday :)