Saturday, September 27, 2008


Notice I said nothing about "curing" the evil monster, I said "dealing with" whole different story. I've read tons of articles on hang over cures and ways to avoid them. My conclusion is that unless you have organs of a 15 year old, if you party the night away, and have to work in less than 6 hours from the time you leave the party - you will hurt in the morning. 

Isn't it sad how the magical 5 party dwarves: Happy, Singy, Dancey, Funny, and Drinky magically turn into the hellacious quintet of Thirsty, Hungry, Sleepy, Achey, and Woozey overnight!?

Don't fear girls - I've compiled some tips that help me nurse my hangover while still making it on time to work:

#1 - Let yourself sleep as late as you can. I normally take about 2 hours to get up, excersize, cook and eat breakfast, get ready, pack a lunch, and go. When I'm in dire straits - I give myself about a half hour. Snooze if you have to! That 10-15 extra minutes will make a difference.

#2 - Take a hot shower and wash your hair. I can't tell you enough how much better you will feel with a clean head of hair - forget blow drying - you don't have time. Run some product in it and go natural, or sweep it all back in a ponytail. Use shower time to think about what you're going to wear - hope something's already ironed...You can also think out your breakfast/packed lunch options, too!

#3 - Wear something that you like. A cute pair of wide leg pants or a flowy skirt - just make sure it's a comfy outfit. (think room for bloating) If you think your feet are up to wearing heels, wear the most comfortable pair you own! And always take some cute flats.

#4 - The rule of today is HYDRATE. Grab a glass of water immidiately and start sipping on it the moment you get out of bed. A guilty (or should I say lazy?) pleasure of mine is instant ice coffee: 1 tablespoon of instant coffee + ice cold water Voila! Ice coffee. Add splenda (sugar won't dissolve) and milk if you want. Trust me - you'll need the caffeine. Gatorade is good, but I don't put it on the top of my list - I get pedialyte - it's the best to rehydrate!

#5 - If you aren't hungry, don't eat. It could turn into stomach ache quick! Instead, pack (or stop and buy) something for yourself. I reccommend: protiens (I like almonds and roasted edamame) something sweet, and something salty; you never know what kind of craving you'll have later! I'm a big advocate of Sonora burritos - ya know, the ones that come in pairs with a chile or with salsa, one is of beans and the other potatos w/ machaca - that's my #1 pick for food.

#6 - If you find you're running later than planned, only do the nessecities. Put your jewelery in your purse, stuff lunch in a retail store bag, take your whole makeup case if you have to. Do things that you can't do at work/on the way. 

#7 - I don't know if this will work for everyone or not, but I take a concoction of pills with me (not on an empty stomach!) If I can remember to remind myself, I take 2 multivitamins the night before with a big ol glass of water. Otherwise, in a plastic baggie, I put: 2 multivitamins, 2 PMS pills (it's a triple threat that combats crankiness, bloating, muscle/head aches) a B Vitamin booster, and an iron supplement. This isn't approved byt he FDA or somthing - I'm just saying I think it works for me!

#8 - Stay positive! If you're bored at work, watch funny YouTube vids or read funny jokes - keep the vibe on the ups. If you start bitching that your head hurts, it will; and so will everything else! :) Remember the fun you had last night ;)

If you have any hangover tips or tricks, email them to me: mynparty@yahoo.com.mx