Here's an email from Phyllis "The Information Station" LeFevre about this months Uncommon Women on Common Ground meeting:
"Hello ladies – I heard from Rosie Glover we had an amazing turnout for our September 9th evening event at Ocean View. Many thanks to Edgar Padilla for hosting us and especially to Francisco for making the evening so delightful. As always, delicious food, great networking, building more relationships and having FUN!
Rosie discussed our October meeting to get out our paint and brushes and finally have a chance to clean up an area with graffiti. I have emailed Eloy Gonzalez, the gentleman working on this campaign, to find out if they have somewhere they want us to paint or whether we can choose our own. Also, whether he had paint & brushes or wanted us to provide them. I have not received a response yet and will let you know.
In the meantime, mark your calendars for Tuesday, October 14th and we should probably plan to start earlier as it will be getting dark earlier by then. More details to follow….
Thank you all for your attendance and support and especially to Rosie for taking charge of our gathering! See you soon…Cheers!"