Monday, December 22, 2008


I must thank Sea Side Reservations for letting me tag along with them to the inauguration for the Coastal Highway that will connect Puerto Penasco with southern California on Thursday. I haven't ever been to anything like this before, and what an experience I had!

We were situated ON the Coastal Highway right where it intersects with the road to Benito Juarez. The Policia Federal were there decked out in their handsome uniforms directing traffic to either side. When the governer and his appointments arrived, they arrived in style - a big motor coach with the crest of Sonora emblazened on the side.

I got the opportunity to sit in the front row for the event, right down from Oscar Palacio, the director of OOMISLIM, and other big wigs of Rocky Point, so I felt like a VIP. When the bus was approaching, I couldn't help but feel slight butterflies in my stomach because the energy was so anxious. There was a crowd of about 200 (could have been more) and everyone was excited to hear what they had to say.

When Governer Bours and his entourage desembarked, about 50 paparrazi like photogs came out of the wood work and horded around him and his crew. I couldn't believe it! I felt like I was on Robertson Blvd in LA and the photogs were after a celebrity - you see the flashes and the camera men, but you don't see who they're after!

I just knew that I thought I'd know him when I saw him, but I assumed that well, (as cliche as this is) he'd be taller. Nevertheless, he was shaking hands here and there, and for some odd reason, I thought he wouln't shake mine. Maybe because I'm not Mexican, because I'm not really super inportant in the community? For a million reasons, but he looked right at me and stuck his hand out, so I did the same and managed to choke out a meager "Mucho gusto." I could've said "Feliz Cumpleanos" since it was, after all, his birthday. Just something that could have meant a little more. Well, next time...

After the Mariachi finished their birthday songs and warm words of well wishes, he sat down on the stage with the rest of the members of his group. Before I could stop beating myself up about my weak attempt at a formal greeting to the Governer of Sonora, I noticed that I really couldn't see the stage at all. I was on the front row, yes, but there were about 20 photographer's rear ends a mere foot and a half from my face. They wanted to see him too; but more than I, I assume. So much for our great seats.

The speeches the men of Sonora gave were direct and very informative. I learned about the actual material used to construct the highway as well as its dimensions. See my follow up post with the facts. Gov. Bours gave an uplifting speech that spoke right to the hearts of the people, and touched mine, too. He talked about how he "...doesn't care about the the high rise condo towers, or the expensive hotels just to be there to look good..." but that his main concern is the people. After all, it's the everyday Joes that are the backbone of any country. He spoke of paving streets and all the infrastructure that will continue to be implemented: water, sewage systems, electricity, etc.

After a quick snip of the red ribbon, he swiftly made his way back to his motor coach but not before shaking some more hands on his way out. I really feel that he does care very much for this town, and for the tourism aspect. He knows that with more tourism in Rocky Point, more business is created, more jobs for the unemployed, especially in these tough times.

I will be anticipating more great things during his time in office, and I will read up and go to more of these events so that I can get you news on the cutting edge! Stay tuned for pictures and a follow up post this week...

**Anything quoted from the speakers is a translated (to the best of my ability) version**