Here's a great response to the open letter from last week about Spring Break in Rocky Point:
I found this on the school's website. The frickin' dean (I wanted to use the real words) should be ashamed of herself, the assistant dean too! They preach about warnings and the students being informed and, they cannot even provide accurate information themselves. They obviously live in a fog, under the US media bubble. They are totally misinformed about Puerto Penasco (Rocky Point) and Mexico in general.
I think I will send this to a few others who might like to see it, who are pro-Rocky Point. Let's use our media connections to put a stop to people like the dean and co. You would think a dean of students would be more educated before issuing such a grossly one-sided warning. Do they not know the problem lies within the United States and their need for drugs? Students are waaaaay safer in Mexico than, in the states. But, you wont hear that on the news. Good press doesn't sell papers. Ex. you wont hear about the million successful and welcoming border crossings each day but, you will hear, about the guys who got caught smuggling drugs into the US to a bunch of crackheads. I could go on but wont. WE ARE BETTER OFF IN MEXICO.