Susie Flinn, a full time Rocky Point resident local sent me this great info:
I do know a lot of you have visited our Paradise in Rocky Point, Mexico just recently and know that you did not have an unsafe situation. Please pass the word to your relatives and friends.
I have attached an article from Mexico Living that I thought you would enjoy ready the statistics;
Sunday, March 8, 2009
STATISTICS: Mexico is Safer than the United States
MEXICO IS SAFER THAN THE UNITED STATESInternational Crime Stats statistics show the United States as the country with the most crimes globally. According to Nationmaster, an International Statistics source the US is #1 in the world for crime and Mexico is #12.
Here are the latest statistics from Nationmaster (per capita refers to amount of victims per 1000 people):
Total Crimes:1. United States - 23,677,8002. Germany - 6,264,7233. United Kingdom - 5,170,8314. France - 3,771,8495. South Africa - 3,422,743
Here is the complete list: