Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Are you up in Phoenix for the weekend?! You most definately need to get outta the house and TO the party...any one or more of the following would be MYN's suggestions...

Thursday: The sexiest spot to cool off when the sun goes down is at the W Hotel - starting around 10pm, lounge at the swankiest hotel poolside in Scottsdale with Steve Levine Entertainment and MYN. Bring your swim suit-we're gettin wet!

Friday: The hottest house music scene - House 7340 is on at Axis! Come hear DJ Alan spin my fave genre of music till 2am...enjoy free entry on MYNs guest list before 11pm

Saturday: Ratio @ Myst - SLE hosts the party where the right ratio of girls:guys gets you in the door FREE or for le$$ before 11pm so get up in there early!

For VIP bottle service/table info, get in touch with me:

voicemail - 602 774 1958
text - 480 213 3378

As always, check back right here for more info and call/text/email for more info!

Stay tuned for this week's Rocky Point weekend parties, too!