Thursday, March 13, 2008


Hey everyone! In case you don't receive our emails or they hit your spam box (add us to your address book: mynparty@yahoo.com.mx) here's what's going on this weekend:

Happy Thirsty Thursday everyone!

We have been diligently working on the blog - thanks to all who read it, and if you haven't - you should!
www.mynparty.blogspot.com we try to write something everyday, so you don't get bored...check back often ;)

This weekend is gonna be a romp ~ here are the parties you will see us at:

TONIGHT is Elixir's WHITE NIGHT Party - hot hot hot! We'll be there in the color of innocence around 9...stay tuned for more theme nights, too...we hear they did gangsta, black, pink...

Friday we don't know what we're gonna do - check the blog - and if YOU have suggestions on a spot to hit, let us know, we don't have plans!

we will swing by Terramar in the Old Port to see Monica Chavez w/ Karma perform around 8...we haven't been, so it'll be a first - a marina side bar/lounge-that sounds cool!

We'll see you out this weekend - what's everyone up to? Is there a party we should hit? Let us know!

Stay tuned for info on a HOT new place gracing Sandy Beach with its sexy style...S.W.I.M - the highly anticipated grand opening is in the works ~ you won't want to miss this one.

Have a fun, and more over SAFE weekend - hopefully these clouds will blow over so it'll be sunny and warm!